Kimitech CMP
Medium viscosity epoxy resin used for impregnation of FRP systems
Kimitech EP-IN/CMP is a two-component epoxy adhesive with medium viscosity. The product is solvent-free and does not shrink when it hardens. Excellent adhesion to va-rious substrates such as concrete, steel, brick, wood and natural stones.
Kimitech EP-IN/CMP is used as an impregnating agent for Kimitech mesh range for structural rein-forcement of vaults, pillars, beams, floors and walls.
Kimitech EP-IN/CMP is CE marked as a structural bonding according to EN 1504-4 and as an anchor for steel reinfor-cement according to EN 1504-6.
The surfaces to be treated must be perfectly dry, compact, free of inconsistent parts and free from dust, grease, paints and release agents in general. The surface must be sandblasted and possibly leveled with Betonfix hydraulic mortar or Kimitech resins to eliminate roughness greater than 1 mm. The substrate must have a failure resistance on direct trac-tion greater than 1,5 N/mm². Pour component "B" (hardener) into component "A" (resin) and mix with a low-speed drill (200-300 per minute) until you get a prfect mixture, taking care not to incorporate air during mixing. In case of fractionated mixes, respect the ratios by weight (not in volume) indicated on the packages. Apply the resin by brush or roller respecting a consumption of about 1,6 kg/m² and lay the mesh from Kimitech range. Lay the tape or mesh with a special roller so that the resin comes out of the fibers and complete the impregnation of the fibers (if necessary) with additional resin to be applied by brush. If the application includes additional layers of fiber reinfor-cements, apply a further coat of Kimitech EP-IN/CMP with a consumption of about 0,8 kg/m², lay the tape or mesh and repeat the step with the roller. If the surface of the reinforcement is to be painted, smoo-thed, plastered or coated with fire protection, contact our Technical Department
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