Kimitech EP-IN
Liquid two-component epoxy adhesive for structural injection, vertical downwards, etc.
Kimitech EP-IN is a two-component, low viscosity, liquid, epoxy resin with high wetting power. Kimitech EP-IN is ideal for impregnating high grammage mesh and tapes and it can easily penetrate cracks and micro-fractures (up to 0,3 mm thick). It has excellent dielectric properties, The product comes in two ready-dosed containers (A+B): a larger quantity of part “A” is provided to facilitate mixing.
Impregnation of structural reinforcement meshes using the “Béton Plaqué” technique, injections into damaged structu-res, vertical downwards and sub-horizontal anchoring. In combination with Kimifill it is used to obtain spreadable, epoxy mortars to rebuild lacking parts of wood structures, to build high resistance continuous floorings and repair dama-ged joints.
Kimitech EP-IN is CE marked as structural bonding agent in compliance with EN 1504-4 and as anchoring product for steel reinforcement bars according to EN 1504-6.
Information on how to carry out each type of application, please refer to the specifications and technical data sheets of the materials to be used. Surfaces to be treated must be perfectly dry (newly cast concrete must be left to cure for at least 4 weeks), with no detaching parts, dust, grease, paint or parting compounds of any kind. Pour component “B” (hardener) into component “A” (resin), then mix with a low speed stirrer (200-300 RPM) until an even mixture is formed, making sure not to let air in while mixing. For partial mixtures, respect the proportions by weight (not by volume) indicated on the packs. Injections into damaged structures For injections use our dedicated gun MM/TL or AC/TL or low-pressure pump Vertical downward and sub-horizontal anchorings Cleaning the hole with compressed air. After mixing the two components, if the holes are less than 40 cm depth, pour the mixture in and then insert the rod twisting it to get rid of any excess resin in the hole. For holes with a longer length, inject the mixture in using the MM/TL or AC/TL gun con-nected to a thin plastic pipe that goes in the hole until it reaches at least half length of the hole, then insert the rod. When creating anchors in mixed masonry structures where substantial dispersion can occur, add Kimifill VR4 powder to make the product less fluid. Restoration of missing parts and consolidation of load-bearing wood structures When consolidating wood structures, mix the resin with ex-tremely fine, dry sawdust; for exposed grouting/filling, mix with Kimifill HM quartz in a 1:5 resin-quartz ratio to restore flaking or missing parts (for this jobs please contact our Technical Dept.). Restoration of concrete floors and preparation of sprea-dable mortars Surfaces to be treated must be perfectly dry (newly cast mortar and concrete must be left to cure for at least 2 weeks), with no detaching parts, dust, grease, paint or any sort of releasing agent . Concrete substrates must be preli-minary treated with a coat of Kimicover FIX. Mix the resin with the hardner and add the Kimifill HM quartz in a 1:10 ratio then restore the missing parts of concrete or spread a continuous coating across the entire floor surface. Once the product cured, complete the intervention using Kimitech or Kimicover resins. Structural reinforcement using composite systems Prepare the surface to be treated using as a primer Kimico-ver FIX and once applied the epoxy adhesive Kimitech EP-TX or Kimitech EP-TX/311 (contact our Technical Support Service) then lay the fabric, pressing it down lightly with a suitable metal roller to improve adhesion to the adhesive and to prevent dangerous air bubbles from forming. Apply more than one coat of Kimitech EP-IN to the fabric using a brush to enhance overall impregnation. All coats should be applied wet on wet. If more than one reinforcement layer is required, or if the reinforcement needs to be protected, con-tact our Technical Support Service. Structural reinforcing systems using the “Béton-Plaqué” technique Sandblast both concrete and steel surfaces where the rein-frcing system will be applied to. Concrete substrates must be preliminary treated with a coat of Kimicover FIX after the cleaning phase. Mix the resin carefully and, depending on the viscosity or consistency required, use it as is, or after adding Kimifill inert materials. Creation of adhesive surface (adhesion bridge) In case of new casting on exisiting supports, treat prelimim-nary the surfaces with sand-blasting, shot-blasting or milling in order to remove any trace of releasing agent, wax, paint or weak parts. Pour the new casting on the clean surface just after the ap-plication of Kimitech EP-IN and Kimifill quartz. The san quartz has to be applied while the resin is still fresh. Do not pour the new casting on the hardened resin, always por the new material while the resin is still fresh
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