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Rinforzo intradossale estradossale volte cupole frp

Intradosal or extradosal reinforcement of vaults and domes with FRP

Reinforcements with carbon fiber composite materials allow to increase the resistance of the vaults by applying bandages to both the intrados and the extrados. The intervention on the extrados is carried out when the brick vaults must be left exposed to maintain their aesthetic appearance and not alter the intrados. Reinforcement with FRP systems involves the application of bandages according to the generator of the vault, with the function of resisting the tensile stresses produced on the extrados of the vault section itself. Furthermore, orthogonal bandages must be arranged, according to the direction of the vault. In this way it is possible to reconstruct the stresses that the individual bandages absorb, creating a distribution mesh that guarantees greater homogeneity of the reinforcement system over the entire surface. As a final intervention phase, perimeter connections are prepared with bow connectors, to connect the bands to the perimeter walls.


  • High mechanical resistance
  • Speed ​​and ease of installation
  • Excellent reversibility characteristics

Operational Phases

  1. Primer application
  2. Epoxy adhesive application
  3. Fabric application
  4. Impregnation
  5. Anchoring
  6. Completion of operations
Fasi rinforzo intradossale estradossale volte cupole frp

Products and Systems

The system is certified with CVT and the following products are part of it:

Foto 190017

Kimitech VR 300

Tessuti in fibra di vetro specifici per interventi strutturali

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Foto 190061

Kimitech FIOCCO VR

Glass fibre connector for anchoring

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Foto 190067

Kimitech FIOCCO CB

Carbon fibre connector for anchoring

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Foto 190220

Kimitech CBA 620

"Range of carbon fibre reinforcement fabrics with different weights and textures for structural...

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Foto 190131

Kimitech CBA 420

"Range of carbon fibre reinforcement fabrics with different weights and textures for structural...

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Foto 190217

Kimitech CBA 320

"Range of carbon fibre reinforcement fabrics with different weights and textures for structural...

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Foto 190109

Kimitech CB 380 MTX

Tessuti di armatura in fibra di carbonio per rinforzi FRP

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Foto 190030

Kimitech CB ST 300

Range of carbon fibre reinforcement fabrics with different weights and textures for structural...

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Foto 190044

Kimitech CB 820

Range of carbon fibre reinforcement fabrics with different weights and textures for structural...

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Foto 190047

Kimitech CB 620

Range of carbon fibre reinforcement fabrics with different weights and textures for structural...

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Foto 190106

Kimitech CB 420

Range of carbon fibre reinforcement fabrics with different weights and textures for structural...

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Foto 190026

Kimitech CB 320

Range of carbon fibre reinforcement fabrics with different weights and textures for structural...

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Foto 040090

Kimicover FIX

Bicomponent epoxy water-based resin

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Foto 020044

Kimitech EP-TX

Thixotropic two-component epoxy resin

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Foto 040612

Kimitech EPOXY CTR

Bi-component epoxy resin cartridges for anchoring injections

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Foto 020035

Kimitech EP-IN

Liquid two-component epoxy adhesive for structural injection, vertical downwards, etc.

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Foto 020061

Kimitech CMP

Medium viscosity epoxy resin used for impregnation of FRP systems

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