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Impermeabilizzazione vasche serbatoi

Waterproofing of tanks and reservoirs, also for the containment of drinking water, food liquids or aggressive products

Waterproofing treatments can also be reserved for tanks and reservoirs. The requirements for these cases are multiple: in addition to durability, tested by permanent contact with water, it is often necessary for the waterproofing treatment to also resist counterthrust actions, as in the case of underground tanks. Furthermore, in the case of tanks in food industries, tanks, pipelines and aqueducts, it is necessary for the waterproofing material to be certified for contact with drinking water. Waterproofing tanks consists of the use, after preparing the support, of a glass fiber mesh saturated with osmotic cement mortar, mixed with synthetic resin. Once hardened, a second coat of product is applied with a spatula.


  • Ease of application
  • Seals cracks in the substrate
  • Contains no chlorides or aggressive agents

Operational Phases

  1. Substrate preparation
  2. Waterproofing
Fasi impermeabilizzazione vasche serbatoi

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