Limepor PMP
Natural hydraulic lime-based for plasters and masonry works (break-fill, pointings). Max granulometry 3 mm
Limepor PMP are ready-to-use mortars (also available in a version with fibers added in the dry-mix) designed specifically for plastering and repointing works. It uses natural, fully recyclable materials; it contains materials heated to low temperatures thereby limiting the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere and reducing the amount of energy used in production.
Limepor PMP is ideal for use in plasters, to repoint terracotta or exposed stone surfaces, and in break-fill works
Limepor PMP is CE marked as GP CS IV mortars, for internal and external uses, in compliance with the EN 998-1 and as M10 mortar according to the EN 998-2.
Mix Limepor PMP with potable water, according the consumption shown in the table above. When using with a mechanical plastering machine, mix in the machine like a normal ready-mixed product. When applied manually, mix in a cement-mixer max for 5 minutes. We recommend to put 3/4 of the water required in the mixer then gradually add the remaining amount until you get the right consistency. Mix carefully to form a smooth mixture. No other binders must be added to the mixture during preparation and laying. Do not remix by adding water when the product has already started to set. Limepor PMP must be applied to clean, dust-free surfaces with no detached parts or traces of old paints, grease or any other material that may affect the quality of the bond.
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