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Resine cementizie, acriliche, epossidiche, poliuretaniche, epossi-cementizie per protezione e rivestimento

Kimitech K40 AP GIALLO

Solvent-free yellow bicomponent epoxy resin, for protective painting of r.c. works, resin floors and coatings

Kimitech K40 AP yellow is a two component epoxy resin solvent free, highly adhesive, resistant to hydraulic counterthrust with excellent resistance to chemical agents. It is CE marked as a protective coating according to the 1504-2 (MC and IR intervention principles).


Protection from chemical attacks. ◦ Non-toxic coatings of tanks intended to contain drinking water (it is tested according to the M.D. 174/2004) ◦ Protective painting of concrete works subject to chemical or physical aggression (channels, pipes and manifolds for sewers, tunnels, purification plants).


Kimitech K40 AP Giallo è marcato CE come rivestimento protettivo secondo la EN 1504-2 (principi di intervento MC e IR).


Kimitech K40 AP Bianco it is supplied in two pre-dosed containers (A + B), of which the "B" part is oversized to allow an easy mixing. To prepare the material, pour component "A" into component "B", mix thoroughly with a low-speed drill (200-300 per minute) until you get a perfect mixture; the mixture must be diluted with about 15-20% of clean water. Mix a quantity of product not exceeding that which can be applied within the frost time. In case of fractionated mixing, respect the ratios by weight (not by volume) indicated in the packages. In applications where compliance with the regulations of the Ministerial Decree 174/2004 is required, the substrates that will be coated with Kimitech K40 AP Bianco must be previously skim coated with Betonfix 300, rounding the corners between wall-floor and wall-wall. Once prepared, the product must be applied in min. two coats by brush, roller or sprayed with an airless pump. Wait at least seven days before filling the tank with water. In case of continuous non-toxic coatings of walls in industries, the substrate must be compact, free from oils, greases, old varnishes and any other material that may affect the good anchoring of the resin coating. Any leveling must be carried out with Betonfix RS or Betonfix R30, rounding the corners between wall-floor and wall-wall. If you intend to make a colored paint, it is feasible to get a non-slip surface by freshly dusting the surface of the first coat of the transparent polyurethane finish, applied with Kimifill 01-03 and vacuuming the encapsulated quartz the next day before finishing the work with the last coat of protective polyurethane. In case of applications in more than one coat, if there is a time exceeding 24 hours between one coat and the next, it is necessary to sand and carefully aspirate the substrate before reapplying the product.

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