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Resine cementizie, acriliche, epossidiche, poliuretaniche, epossi-cementizie per protezione e rivestimento

Kimitech HLA

Colored self-leveling two-component epoxy resin to create continuous, hygienic and easily cleanable floors

Kimitech HLA is a two-component epoxy resin with a selfleveling effect, specific for continuous, waterproof, hygienic, washable, decontaminated paints and floors, with excellent adhesion characteristics and excellent resistance to wear and corrosion.


Kimitech HLA is used on substrate with a vapor barrier or floors not in contact with the ground and therefore not subject to rising damp to create continuous flooring for pharmaceutical, food, hospitals, laboratories, laundries, canteens, etc...


Kimitech HLA è marcato CE come rivestimento protettivo secondo la 1504-2 (principi di intervento MC e IR).


The surfaces to be treated must be blasted or milled, in order to make them compact, clean, free from grease, inconsistent parts, old paints, bitumen and other release agents in general. Pour component "B" (hardener) into component "A" (resin), mix thoroughly with a low-speed drill (200-300 rpm) until you get a perfect mixture, taking care not to incorporate air. By adding about 100% by weight of Kimifill 01-03 it is possible to obtain a thixotropic primer suitable for the filler smoothing preparatory to the application of further selfleveling thick layers. By mixing Kimitech HLA with max 50% by weight of Kimifill 01-03, you get a high-thickness self-leveling coating, which can be applied by a notched trowel or toothed rake and fresh rolled with a special bubble breaker once applied. In case of applications in more than one coat, if there is a time exceeding 24 hours between one coat and another, it is necessary to sand and carefully aspirate the substrate before reapplying the product.

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