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Resine cementizie, acriliche, epossidiche, poliuretaniche, epossi-cementizie per protezione e rivestimento

Kimifloor VETRO

Two-component, fluid, transparent epoxy resin for thick vitrification and incorporation of objects

Kimifloor VETRO is a two component low viscosity transparent fluid epoxy resin, characterized by excellent chemical resistance, good water resistance and high yellowing resistance.


Thanks to its excellent transparency, Kimifloor VETRO can be used as a protective finishing layer for interior decorative resin floors. It must always be protected with a final coat of Kimifloor ECO-FINITURA PLUS.


The surfaces to be treated must be perfectly dry (new concrete must be cured for at least 4 weeks), free of inconsistent parts and free of dust, grease, paints and release agents in general. Pour component "B" (hardener) into component "A" (resin) and mix with a low speed drill (200-300 per minute) until a you get a perfect mixture, taking care not to incorporate air during mixing. In case of fractional mixing, respect the ratios by weight (and not by volume) indicated on the packaging. Before applying the final two-component polyurethane protective coat which must be applied over Kimifloor VETRO (after sanding and vacuuming) wait until the transparent epoxy resin has developed adequate mechanical properties. Walkability time depends on the application thickness (the material can be given with a thin film or up to a thickness of 2 mm) and on the thermo-hygrometric conditions (it is advisable to wait at least 7 days).

Technical Sheet
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Where to Use Kimifloor VETRO

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Gli interventi dove Kimifloor VETRO può essere utilizzato.

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