Kimia S.p.A.

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Kimia S.p.A. è tra le poche aziende a poter vantare una trentennale esperienza nell'impiego di resine e sistemi compositi per applicazioni strutturali. L'azienda ha certificato attraverso una estesa serie di prove sperimentali le prestazioni complessive dei propri sistemi di rinforzo, correlandone i risultati alle caratteristiche di specifici substrati. Dal 1983 le nostre soluzioni vengono impiegate con successo in prestigiosi cantieri, per interventi che ancora oggi sono oggetto di studio e analisi. La compatibilità con strutture di qualunque tipo e l'efficacia nel tempo dei sistemi di rinforzo Kimia sono documentate da molteplici indagini sperimentali condotte in collaborazione con Università ed istituti di ricerca italiani. La validità delle nostre soluzioni è stata comprovata dall'ottimo comportamento delle strutture rinforzate con sistemi Kimia prima dei vari eventi sismici succedutisi in Italia negli ultimi decenni, che non hanno subito danni a seguito degli stessi.

Museo Degli Innocenti (MUDI), Firenze

Inghisaggio di barre con Betonfix 200. Consolidamento murature effettuato con tessuto Kimitech CB320, incollato con Kimitech EP-IN e Kimitech TX311 (primer Kimicover FIX). Intonaco fibrorinforzato realizzato con Tectoria M15 e successiva rasatura di finitura con Limepor FN. Trattamento superfici lapidee con Kimistone IDROREP.

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Chiesa Sant'Antonio da Padova, Gavarno (BG)

Consolidamento delle volte in muratura effettuato con Kimicover Fix - Kimitech TX311 - Kimitech VR300 - Kimitech EP-IN

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Kimicover FIX


Kimicover FIX is a bicomponent epoxy resin specially studied for consolidating porous and flaking substrates made of concrete, chalck, terra cotta, turning the surfaces into compact and dustproof substrates ideal for the perfect anchorage of following substrates. The product is odourless, water-based, without solvents, ideal for use indoor and for food industry. Kimicover FIX is supplied in two pre-measured containers (A+B).




Kimitech CB


Kimitech CB is a family of carbon fiber reinforcement fabrics having different weight and texture, specific for structural consolidation.



Kimitech EP-IN


Kimitech EP-IN is a two-component, low viscosity, liquid, epoxy resin that creates structural adhesion with concrete, steel, wood, and stone materials. Extremely high wetting power, Kimitech EP-IN is ideal for impregnating high grammage fabrics and tapes and easily penetrates cracks and micro-fractures (up to 0.3 mm thick). CE marked accordng to EN 1504-4.


Kimitech EP-IN/50


Kimitech EP-IN/50 is a two-component, low viscosity, liquid, epoxy resin that creates structural adhesion with concrete, steel, wood, and stone materials. Of extremely high wetting power, Kimitech EP-IN is ideal for impregnating high grammage fabrics and tapes and easily penetrates cracks and micro-fractures (up to 0.3 mm thick). It has excellent dielectric properties, thereby protecting reinforcement from stray currents. The product comes in two ready-dosed containers (A+B): a larger quantity of part “A” is provided to facilitate mixing.


Kimitech EP-TX


Kimitech EP-TX is a two-component, solvent-free thixotropic, epoxy resin adhesive. Kimitech EP-TX ensures strong adhesion to a variety of substrates and does not shrink on hardening, which occurs as a result of a chemical reaction in which no volatile substances are released. CE marked according to EN 1504-4.


Kimitech FIOCCO CB


Kimitech FIOCCO C is a structural element of circular cross section composed of carbon fibers not impregnated; it is used in construction, both new and historic monuments, for the riveting and microcuciture. Kimitech FIOCCO C is produced in the form of strips in widths and weights that will ensure the same amount of carbon present in the nominal section of reference, to be rolled up on itself or around a rigid core metal, plastic or pultruded (solid or hollow). Kimitech FIOCCO C is not affected by stray currents or electromagnetic fields and it has a high resistance to corrosion. The impregnation and anchoring of Kimitech FIOCCO C must be done by the use of epoxy resin Kimitech EP-IN.



Kimitech FIOCCO VR


Kimitech FIOCCO VR is a structural element of circular cross section composed of glass fibers not impregnated; it is used in construction, both new and historical monuments, for the realization of riveting and microcuciture.
Kimitech FIOCCO VR is produced in the form of strips in widths and weights that will ensure the same amount of glass present in the nominal section of reference, to be rolled up on itself or around a rigid core metal, plastic or pultruded (solid or hollow).
Kimitech FIOCCO VR is not affected by stray currents or electromagnetic fields and it has a high resistance to corrosion.
The impregnation and anchoring of Kimitech FIOCCO VR must be done by the use of epoxy resin Kimitech EP-IN.



Kimitech FRP-LOCK


<p>Kimitech FRP-LOCK is a patented and tested anti-delamination solution. Kimitech FRP-LOCK consists of:</p> <ul> <li>A INOX metal eyelet incorporated in a multilayer system of multidirectional overlapping fabrics with angles and  weights specifically studied.</li> <li>A portion of free fibres to be impregnated on site, of sufficient lenght as to restore the structural continuity of the composite.</li> </ul> <p> </p>



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