Kimia S.p.A.

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Kimia S.p.A. è tra le poche aziende a poter vantare una trentennale esperienza nell'impiego di resine e sistemi compositi per applicazioni strutturali. L'azienda ha certificato attraverso una estesa serie di prove sperimentali le prestazioni complessive dei propri sistemi di rinforzo, correlandone i risultati alle caratteristiche di specifici substrati. Dal 1983 le nostre soluzioni vengono impiegate con successo in prestigiosi cantieri, per interventi che ancora oggi sono oggetto di studio e analisi. La compatibilità con strutture di qualunque tipo e l'efficacia nel tempo dei sistemi di rinforzo Kimia sono documentate da molteplici indagini sperimentali condotte in collaborazione con Università ed istituti di ricerca italiani. La validità delle nostre soluzioni è stata comprovata dall'ottimo comportamento delle strutture rinforzate con sistemi Kimia prima dei vari eventi sismici succedutisi in Italia negli ultimi decenni, che non hanno subito danni a seguito degli stessi.


Kimisteel INOX 800


Kimisteel INOX 800 is a unidirectional reinforcing fabric made out of micro stainless steel strands, very resistant against corrosion and very useful in case of support affected by rising damp issues and in general exposed to aggressive environments. The product, combined with inorganic matrix, can be used in consolidation works of existing masonry and RC structures.



Kimitech BS ST 400


Kimitech BS ST 400 is a basalt fiber bidirectional fabric, specific for structural reinforcements. It could be used with inorganic matrix like mortars of Kimisteel, Betonfix and Tectoria ranges to perform a structural consolidation of reinforced concrete elements, prestressed concrete and masonry. It has a high mechanical strength, reduced thickness and weight. Installation is fast and durable thanks to its great workability, ductility and excellent resistance to stray currents, solvents and acids..



Kimitech BS ST 200


Kimitech BS ST 200 is a basalt fiber bidirectional fabric, specific for structural reinforcements. It could be used with inorganic matrix like mortars of Kimisteel, Betonfix and Tectoria ranges to perform a structural consolidation of reinforced concrete elements, prestressed concrete and masonry. It has a high mechanical strength, reduced thickness and weight. Installation is fast and durable thanks to its great workability, ductility and excellent resistance to stray currents, solvents and acids.



Basic MALTA M15


BASIC malta M15 is a ready-to-use mortar based on natural hydraulic fiber, fiber-reinforced,; It has completely recyclable natural materials, fired at low temperatures, reducing emissions and energy consumption; it is free from Chromium VI; it contains traditional materials with a low content of soluble salts; in contact with water it forms very little soluble and very stable hydrate products of a basic nature.


Basic MALTA M15/F


BASIC malta M15/F is a ready-to-use mortar based on natural hydraulic fiber, fiber-reinforced, with granulometry maximum of 1.2 mm inert; it contains completely recyclable natural materials, fired at low temperatures, reducing emissions and energy consumption; it is free from Chromium VI; it contains traditional
materials with a low content of soluble salts; in contact with water it forms very little soluble and very stable hydrate products of a basic nature.


Kimitech CBA


Kimitech CBA is a family of high modulus modulus carbon fiber reinforcement fabrics specific for structural consolidation. The product, suitably treated, can be finished with skim coatings, plasters, varnishes or with fire protection (in this case, contact our Technical Department).


Former stables of the Rocca of Sant'Apollinare

The Rocca of Sant'Apollinare is an ancient Benedictine abbey located near Spina, in the province of Perugia. Placed on a hill overlooking the Nestore river valley, the fortress was built in the X century as a fortress in defense of a local noble family.

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Structural strengthening of school "Cesare Vecellio" gym

The renovation and seismic retrofit works are still in progress in schools all over Italy. This time we will focus on the seismic retrofit of the school "Cesare Vecellio" gym in Lentiai, in the province of Belluno. The intervention, made using Kimia FRP reinforcing systems, has been planned by the Engineering Studio Dal Pont & Dal Sasso.

The structural strengthening, renovation and seismic retrofit of r.c. roof and walls have been carried out as follows:

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Betonfix 200 TH


Betonfix 200 TH is a high resistance anti-shrinkage hydraulic slurry with high mechanical resistance for both short and long curing. Betonfix 200 TH does not contain chlorides, ferrous particles or corrosive agents which could cause damage to the reinforcements and the metal equipment. CE marked as anchoring of reinforcement steel in compliance with the EN 1504-6.




Kimitech WALLMESH HR is a structural A.R. glass fibre mesh with anti-alkaline protection, to use with Betonfix, Kimisteel, Limepor and Tectoria mortars for FRCM reinforcements.



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