Kimia S.p.A.

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Kimia S.p.A. è tra le poche aziende a poter vantare una trentennale esperienza nell'impiego di resine e sistemi compositi per applicazioni strutturali. L'azienda ha certificato attraverso una estesa serie di prove sperimentali le prestazioni complessive dei propri sistemi di rinforzo, correlandone i risultati alle caratteristiche di specifici substrati. Dal 1983 le nostre soluzioni vengono impiegate con successo in prestigiosi cantieri, per interventi che ancora oggi sono oggetto di studio e analisi. La compatibilità con strutture di qualunque tipo e l'efficacia nel tempo dei sistemi di rinforzo Kimia sono documentate da molteplici indagini sperimentali condotte in collaborazione con Università ed istituti di ricerca italiani. La validità delle nostre soluzioni è stata comprovata dall'ottimo comportamento delle strutture rinforzate con sistemi Kimia prima dei vari eventi sismici succedutisi in Italia negli ultimi decenni, che non hanno subito danni a seguito degli stessi.

The Church of San Vito

A massive earthquake in 2000 hit Alessandria area and in 2002 the Church of San Vito in Morsasco, was consolidated and seismically reinforced with composite materials. The project, aimed at making accessible and statically secure the building, has been entrusted to the Technical Studio ARC of Acqui Terme.

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System consisting of a mix of “cocciopesto” (Limepor COCCIOFORTE C) aggregates mixed with a twocomponent organic binder (Limepor COCCIOFORTE/A + Limepor COCCIOFORTE/B). Final mechanics achieved after just 7 days; applicable to substrates painted on the intrados, available in ivory and antique red color variants; no need of metal meshes and connectors. The whole system is positioned without altering the integrity of the vault with dense anchors; it can easily be removed after heat treatment.

The Church of San Domenico

The Church of San Domenico in L'Aquila was built in 1309 in behalf of Carlo II d'Angiò. It was damaged and consolidated several times in the last centuries own to heavy earthquakes which hit the area. The earthquake in 2009 caused crackes and collapses, especially:

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Villa Manzoni

Villa Manzoni is situated in Dogana locality, at the entrance of the San Marino Republic. It represents one of the rare examples of nineteenth-century manor house in that agricultural area. It was built between '1800 and '1900, although the original settlement is dated back to seventeenth century. Villa Manzoni was the summer country residence of the Manzoni-Borghesi Counts, noble family of the village.  

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Rivotorto Sanctuary restoration

The Rivotorto Sanctuary in Assisi is one of the historical construction yards that best demonstrate the pioneering work of Kimia in the development of composite materials for structural consolidation. In 1984 the Sanctuary was damaged by some violent earthquakes that caused significant structural problems to both bearing walls and internal structures. The internal groin vaults of the central aisle and the two side aisles, built with handmade timbrel bricks, were partially collapsed and severely damaged.

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Consolidamento travi officina meccanica

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Edificio scolastico, Ramacca (CT)

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Residenza privata, Foligno (PG)

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Zavagli Palace

Consolidation with FRCM, carbon, FRP-LOCK and aramid connections.

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Convento di San Domenico, Caltanissetta

Cordolatura di sommità effettuata con Kimisteel 1500.


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