Kimitech BS ST 400
Basalt fiber reinforcement fabrics for FRCM reinforcements
Kimitech BS ST 400 is a bi-directional basalt fiber reinforcement fabric specific for structural reinforcements; it is used with mortars from the Basic line for structural consolidation of reinforced concrete elements, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, wood and masonry. They are characterized by high mechanical strength,
Kimitech BS ST 400 is used for structural and non-structural consolidations of r.c. elements and masonry. It is particularly suitable for reinforcing bent elements, improving shear resistance of beams, pillars and walls or create connection between masonry elements
Le reti Kimitech BS ST 400 fanno parte del sistema Kimitech BS ST 400 SYSTEM in possesso di CVT n° 207.
Please refer to the technical sheets of the materials to be used. Once the surface has been prepared, the fabric will be incorporated in the chosen mortar for the FRCM reinforcement.
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