Basic MALTA R3
Normal setting thixotropic cement mortar with low elastic modulus and compensated shrinkage for structural renovation and cons
Basic MALTA R3 is a thixotropic ready-to-use antishrinkage cement-based hydraulic binder mortar with PAN synthetic fibers and corrosion inhibitors. It has high mechanical resistance to both short and long curing, strong adhesion to concrete, high resistance to sulphates and excellent durability even in highly aggressive conditions (marine areas, de-icing salts, acid rain). It does not contain metal particles and chlorides.
Consolidation of existing walls with CRM systems made with high resistance fiberglass mesh impregnated with thermosetting resin and preformed connectors with the reinforced plaster technique. Basic MALTA R3 is used for the restoration of deteriorated reinforced concrete structures such as pillars, beams, cornices, balcony mouldings, bridges, road and rail viaducts, canals, dams, tunnels.
Basic MALTA R3 is CE marked as R3 structural mortar according to EN 1504-3.
The product can be used with the simple addition of drinking water, following the quantity indicated in the table. Saturate the area to be treated, taking care to eliminate any stagnant water when casting. Mixing must be carried out in a cement mixer or in the mixer of the spraying machine for at least 5 minutes until you get a proper plastic, homogeneous, lump-free mixture. A mortar mixer or a drill equipped with an agitator can be used, it depends on the quantity to be prepared. Mixing must take place at low speed to avoid entrapping air. Introduce the 3/4 of water and, continuously, the product and the remaining water until the desired consistency is obtained. Apply by trowel or spray with suitable plastering machines. In the case of mixing with plastering machine (standard models), load the hopper with Basic MALTA R3 and adjust the flowmeter at a flow rate of 5-6 l/min, depending on the machine used, until the desired consistency is achieved. In particular we suggest to use a plastering machine with the following characteristics: • Hose diameter: 30 mm • Hose length: 30 m • D7-pumps • All remaining characteristics corresponding to a plastering machine PFT G5 Masonry consolidation The substrate must be perfectly clean, compact, free from dust, grease, paint. Thoroughly clean the surface by brushing. If the substrate has cavities, irregularities or cracks of considerable size, the surface can be suitably prepared by applying a rough coat of mortar Saturate the substrate with water, taking care to remove its excess. Apply Basic MALTA R3 with a trowel or with a plastering machine. The maximum thickness applicable for each single coat is 30 mm. Greater thicknesses must be made in several layers, taking care to wait for the previous layer to dry before applying the next. In conditions of environments with strong ventilation and sun exposure, an intervention that requires a curing of synthesis, which prevents the sudden evaporation of the water, may be necessary. In these cases we recommend the use of Antievaporante W. To create reinforcements with CRM composite systems using the reinforced plaster technique, use Basic MALTA R3 in combination with Kimitech WALLMESH MR and Kimitech WALLMESH HR fiberglass mesh, suitably anchored with Kimitech PLUG VR preformed connectors
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