Kimitech VINYL CTR
Bi-component vinylester resin in cartridges for anchoring
Kimitech VINYL CTR is a fast-curing high performance vinylester resin for anchoring in compact materials. It is injectable in dry, moist or immersed in water. It is suitable for concrete, stone, brick and wood substrates in a wide range of applications: anchoring of doors, balustrades, roller blinds, antennas, consoles, drawers, machinery, protective barriers, steel structures.
Kimitech VINYL CTR è certificata secondo la UNI EN 1504-6 per inghisaggi strutturali di barre di rinforzo ed è qualificata, in accordo a EAD-330499 per fissaggi in calcestruzzo non fessurato e fessurato. Inoltre, il prodotto è certificato, in accordo a EAD-330076, per fissaggi su muratura piena e forata in caso di azione statica.
Choose a drill of suitable size according to the bar to be anchored. • Remove water and dirt (dust and loose material) with a circular brush and blower or with a compressor. The elements to be fixed must be clean. • Unscrew the cartridge cap. • Screw the nozzle onto the cartridge. • Insert the cartridge into the gun. • Extrude the product until the resin has a homogeneous light gray color (avoid using the first 10 ml). • Inject the product from the base of the hole up to 2/3. • Insert the element to be fixed. • Unscrew the mixing nozzle and replace the cap.
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