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Additivi e antievaporanti per malte e calcestruzzi

Antievaporante W

Film-forming curing agent for concrete castings

Curing agent in aqueous emulsion creating a uniform film on the concrete, slightly elastic, impermeable to water and air. Type 1 system, according to UNI 8656.


The curing agent is used for the protection of freshly made concrete castings from rapid evaporation of water due to sun and wind. It is particurarly suitable for works such as industrial flooring, external flooring airport runways, plasters of dams, bridges, canals and tanks.


The application has to be made over the concrete surface after water evaporation, after curing starting, (for industrial flooring) or after the formwork removal (for concrete). The product has to be laid (by roller or spray) in one coat, creating a thin and uniform layer. Protect the treated areas for at least 2-3 hours from the washout action due to possible rainfalls.

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