Injection mix with natural hydraulic lime for the consolidation of rubble-filled walls
Basic INIEZIONE is an injection mixture with high resistance to sulphates and a low content of water-soluble salts based on NHL natural hydraulic lime, specially formulated to regenerate and consolidate, through injection, masonry and cavity foundations in brick or cut stone. it has a low content of water-soluble salts and is physically and chemically compatible with the original components of the masonry
Basic INIEZIONE is used for the restoration and preconsolidation of ancient brick or flint walls by means of injecting with low pressure injection systems.
Basic INIEZIONE is CE marked according to the UNI EN 998-2 for mortar for masonry class M15.
Basic INIEZIONE must be mixed with water in the quantity shown in the table. Add 3/4 of water required into the mixer, then add the product and the remaining water continuously until you obtain the consistency required. No component other than the mixing water must be added to the product during preparation and laying. Basic INIEZIONE must be injected into walls by means of normal electric or manual low-pressure pumps, using injectors fixed into the holes and proceeding from the lower holes towards the upper ones. Do not remix by adding water to the product when it has already started to set. With frescoed walls, use Limepor IZ8 and contact our Technical Department for support.
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