Reinforcement of reinforced concrete elements by means of jacketing with fibre-reinforced concrete
According to the criterion of the hierarchy of resistances (Capacity Design), the pillars are the structural elements that must resist the seismic stresses the most to ensure that the structure does not collapse. During the design phase they are subject to forces that are amplified in favor of safety, therefore their reinforcement also during the safety phase is essential. In case of need to increase the sections, after the passivation of the irons, it is possible to proceed with the thickening, after appropriate formwork, applying the system of fiber-reinforced mortar with micro-reinforcement of metal fibers. Increasing the resistant section of the pillar will increase its confinement and its ductility.
- High mechanical resistance to compression and flexion
- Excellent grip
Operational Phases
- Preparation of the support
- Formwork
- Casting

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