Power additive to be mixed with dry cement and aggregates for casting foundations
Idromix is a powder additive which can be added to mortars and concrete providing a significant water repellent quality in mass against water penetration. The product does not alter the times of the beginning and end of setting; it is completely free of chlorides and therefore it does not harm reinforcement rods and the equipment it comes into contact with.
Idromix is used as an additive for casting concrete foundation walls, dams, swimming pools, tanks, reservoirs, canals and all structures which must contain or exclude water. It is also used as an additive for mortars on walls exposed to beating rain, on structures below round level etc. The product is compatible with all Portland, Pozzolanic and blast furnace cements: It is also compatible with other Kimia concrete additives.
Idromix must be added when dry to the mortar or concrete.
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