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Additivi e antievaporanti per malte e calcestruzzi

Fluimax 2HS

Liquid additive to be added into the cement mixer to get super-plasticizer concretes with high mechanical strenghts

Fluimax 2HS is a super fluidifying additive dark brown coloured used as a base of many functional synthetic polymers; it is soluble in water, completely free of chlorides and therefore not harmful to metal reinforcements or equipment. Fluimax 2HS does not modify substantially the setting time of the concrete. It is in compliance with UNI 8145 ASTM 494-79 B, D and G.


It is possible to use a concrete with a low water/cement ratio even in small, highly reinforced sections, reducing the minimum vibration operations; it grants no segregation and bleeding, impermeability, durability and chemical resistance (to sulphates, sea water, acid rain, thawing salts. corrosive atmospheres etc.),


Fluimax 2HS is a ready to use product to be added manually or with a doser into the cement mixer. Mix the concrete using initially a water/cement ratio of approx. 0.50; add Fluimax to the paste with a chosen quantity and mix for a further 2-3 minutes until you get a perfect mixture. More water can be added to reach the desired consistency. The working time of the mixture is basically unchanged and is approx. 1 hour at 20°C. This value depends on the temperature, the granulometric curve and the transportation system. However, in order to have precise data on the beginning of the setting period, it is advisable to carry out preliminary tests on the building site, at the atmospheric conditions in which the material will be used.

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