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Leganti e betoncini cementizi colabili fibrorinforzati

Betonfix CR

Pourable cement mortar for structural repair and consolidation works

Betonfix CR is a anti-shrinkage fibre-reinforced mortar with controlled expansion, with a pourable consistency and high mechanical resistance properties for both short and long curing, enriched with corrosion inhibitors.


Betonfix CR is used to create collaborative concrete castings, to fill rigid structural joints with thicknesses of over 5 cm, for repair in high tchicknesses of deteriorated reinforced concrete structures, floorings, ceilings, slabs and road and railway beds.


Betonfix CR is CE marked as R4 mortar according to the requirements of EN 1504-3 (structural and non-structural repair).


The product is ready-to-use on the addition of drinking water, according to the quantity shown in the table The substrate to be treated must be perfectly clean, free from grease, oil and separating agents in general. Roughen the concrete surface with a bush-hammer. The superficial tensile strength of concrete “Pull off” must not be lower than 1,5 Mpa, as indicated in the procedures for the quality control of substrate according to EN 1504-10. If substrate has lower mechanical features, contact our Technical Department. Where metal reinforcements are visible, remove concrete and protect them with Betonfix KIMIFER, applied by brush. Soak the area to be treated eliminating any pools of water when casting. Mix Betonfix CR for about 5 minutes with a cement-mixer adding 3/4 of the water required and then pour the product and the remaining water until you get the consistency required. The patch layers must have a proper reinforcement under pressure anchored to the existing structure with an embedded steel bar min 2 cm thick. For thicknesses greater than 10 cm, mix Betonfix CR with about 30% of siliceous inert washed and free of impurities, with particle size not lower than 6 mm and with a maximum diameter according to the thickness of casting. For particular applications, our Technical Department will provide further information.

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