Kimia S.p.A.

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Kimia S.p.A. propone malte cementizie e resine idonee alla realizzazione di molteplici tipologie di ancoraggi, placcaggi strutturali, inghisaggi di precisione. Specifiche soluzioni per interventi in fondazione e per la stabilizzazione di terreni e fronti di scavo completano la gamma di soluzioni proposte.


Kimitech EPOXY CTR


Kimitech EPOXY CTR is a heavy duty epoxy injection resin for solid base materials. It works in dry, damp and flooded holes with a fast curing time. It is suitable for use in concrete, stone, solid bricks in a wide range of applications : anchoring of gates, balustrades, banisters, roller blinds, antennas, consoles, cable trays, machinery, protective barriers, steel frame structures. It is also suitable for structural anchoring of steel bars, being CE marked according to EN 1504-6 and it is certified according to the requirements of ETAG001 part 5, for the use of resin with threaded bars on cracked and non-cracked concrete and for use with improved adhesion bars for diameters from 8 mm up to 32 mm on concrete


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