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Anti-woodworm impregnating agent to preserve and protect the wood

Kimitech ANTITARLO is a biocide-based impregnating agent,, especially formulated to protect the wood. It is completely non-toxic, so Kimitech ANTITARLO can be used also in non-ventilated places.


It is a ready-to-use water-based product suitable to impregnate wood and guarantee the followings: • helps to prevent fungi • delays wood rot, decay and warping • protect against woodworm


Kimitech ANTITARLO, eventually can be diluted with the 10% of water or water-based pigmented pastes . Application must be done on dry surface.

Technical Sheet
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Where to Use Kimitech ANTITARLO

Application Areas

Gli interventi dove Kimitech ANTITARLO può essere utilizzato.

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