Kimitech F3
Two-component polyester resin, without styren,e in cartridges for anchorings
Kimitech F3 is a two-component styrene-free polyester resin for medium and light loads for anchoring concrete, solid masonry and hollow bricks.
Concrete anchoring of reinforcing rods; anchoring of pins and screws in solid or hollow materials such as lightened blocks, bricks, stone, concrete; anchoring of window frames, balustrades and hinges of fixtures. For a good anchoring, the surface to be treated must be compact and resistant. Remove the cap from the cartridge before use, slide the locking pins to the open position, screw the mixer spout, then insert the cartridge in the special extrusion gun. Squeeze the material out of the spout until it has an even dark color.
Kimitech F3 è un prodotto certificato secondo i requisiti di cui all’ETA-15/0560, in accordo a ETAG001 parte 5 per l’utilizzo della resina con barre con diametri da M8 a M16 su calcestruzzo non fessurato e secondo i requisiti di cui all’ ETA-11/0396, in accordo a ETAG029 per ancoraggi in muratura piena, semipiena e forata.
Kimitech F3 must be applied on a dry, clean substrate without dust, rust, oil and fatty substances, at an atmospheric temperature between + 5°C and + 30°C. For a good anchoring, the surface to be treated must be compact and resistant. Remove the cap from the cartridge before use, slide the locking pins to the open position, screw the mixer spout, then insert the cartridge in the special extrusion gun. Squeeze the material out of the spout until it has an even dark color (a few centimeters of extruded product is enough).
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