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Realizzazione intonaci deumidificanti barriera antisale

Creation of dehumidifying plasters with anti-salt barrier

The multi-product dehumidifying cycle involves the application of a first layer of red roughcast, with the aim of blocking salts, plus a subsequent layer of macroporous plaster based on natural hydraulic lime that allows the rapid evaporation of accumulated humidity. Once the plaster has cured, you can proceed with smoothing using a lime-based mortar that seals any shrinkage lesions and guarantees breathability.


  • High porosity and breathability
  • Effective in the presence of sulphate salts, chlorides and nitrates
  • Easy to install
Construction Details
Technical Documentation

Operational Phases

  1. Preparation of the supports
  2. Creation of the desalination roughcast layer
  3. Creation of the plaster
  4. Smoothing
Fasi realizzazione intonaci deumidificanti barriera antisale

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