Kimia S.p.A.

Since 1979, Kimia has produced a complete range of products for building restoration, recovery and maintenance. With twenty years of specialization, it can offer truly dynamic products. In fact, Kimia is constantly updating its lines of products to respond promptly to new problems related to building recovery and restoration and to keep up with the technological progress being applied in the construction field. In addition, the reliability of Kimia products has been confirmed by the worst kind of test: the architectural heritage damaged by the earthquake in 1984 and consolidated with Kimia products was not touched in the least by the earthquakes that years later - starting in September of 1997 - once again violently struck the territory of Umbria and the Marches.

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Graffiti-removing cleaner. The product solubilises stains made by spray paint, in and marker pens without altering the surface of the stone or the underlying stone structure. The product also removes glue left behind by adhesive tape and cleans graffiti from glass and steel panels. It is characterized by being biodegradable (for 90%) and by having a neutral formula.

Use cases

Ideal for removing graffiti from delicate stone materials, brick, fine marble, natural stone, lead-polished stone, imitation stone, concrete, metal and glass. In case of more coats of graffiti, old and deeply penetrated in the stone, as soon as the diluted paints strain, remove them with blotting paper and add new product on the remaining paints. Wash with water in pressure, only at the end of the application.

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