Kimia S.p.A.

Since 1979, Kimia has produced a complete range of products for building restoration, recovery and maintenance. With twenty years of specialization, it can offer truly dynamic products. In fact, Kimia is constantly updating its lines of products to respond promptly to new problems related to building recovery and restoration and to keep up with the technological progress being applied in the construction field. In addition, the reliability of Kimia products has been confirmed by the worst kind of test: the architectural heritage damaged by the earthquake in 1984 and consolidated with Kimia products was not touched in the least by the earthquakes that years later - starting in September of 1997 - once again violently struck the territory of Umbria and the Marches.

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Betonfix HCR EVO


Betonfix HCR EVO is a two-component system for nonshrink cementitious grouts, with corrosion inhibitors, fibers reinforced, pourable consistency, with very high mechanical strength at short and long curing, high ductility, high resistance to sulphates. It is suitable for the consolidation of slabs and for the restoration and reinforcement of structural elements in concrete and for infrastructural works (road, railway, etc.). The Betonfix HCR EVO system is CE marked as R4 mortar according to EN 1504-3 ("Structural and non-structural repair").

Use cases

Betonfix HCR EVO system is used to carry out the restoration and consolidation, in small thicknesses, of horizontal structural elements, such as slabs (structural reinforcement with low thickness collaborative extradossal casting for slabs in reinforced concrete, bricks cement, wood and mixed slabs steel bricks-and-beams) and for the restoration and reinforcement of concrete beams and pillars. For the slabs, we can intervene with collaborative extradossal casting which can be contained in 3-4 cm of thickness, even if there is no an electrically welded steel mesh. For beams and pillars, the collaborative casting will be performed in special formworks.


  • High performance: very high compressive and flexural strength even in small thicknesses (thanks to the metal fibers, it also has good tensile strength); mechanical development and final adhesion required for R4 mortars already within the first 2 days; high strength / weight ratio; high ductility. 
  • Excellent grip: exceptional values of adherence to the old support and reinforcement bars.
  • Ductile: thanks to the presence of metallic fibers, which constitute a diffuse reinforcement, it is characterized by a ductile behavior; fundamental property for structural reinforcement and to increase resistance to dynamic stresses and impacts

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