Kimia S.p.A.

Since 1979, Kimia has produced a complete range of products for building restoration, recovery and maintenance. With twenty years of specialization, it can offer truly dynamic products. In fact, Kimia is constantly updating its lines of products to respond promptly to new problems related to building recovery and restoration and to keep up with the technological progress being applied in the construction field. In addition, the reliability of Kimia products has been confirmed by the worst kind of test: the architectural heritage damaged by the earthquake in 1984 and consolidated with Kimia products was not touched in the least by the earthquakes that years later - starting in September of 1997 - once again violently struck the territory of Umbria and the Marches.

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Betonfix 300

CE marked as protective coating according to the 1504-2, MC and IR intervention principles


Betonfix 300 is an osmotic waterproofing cement-based mortar, to use even in thin layers, CE marked as protective coating according to the 1504-2, MC and IR intervention principles. It does not contain chlorides or aggressive agents which could cause corrosion. It is a perfect sealing agent for porous surfaces and cracks in the substrate.
Seal idoneously the porosities and crackings of the substrate. It is flexible to follow small deformations of the structure. It does not contain chlorides or other aggressive agents that can cause corrosion.

Use cases

Betonfix 300 is used for waterproofing structures with positive water pressure (tanks, tubs, water purif ers installations, reservoirs, flower boxes, canals) and with negative one (galleries, lift shafts, underwater rooms). It is also used to waterproof retaining structures.

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