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Impermeabilizzazione superfici sistemi cementizi

Waterproofing of small and medium surfaces with cement systems

The intervention involves the application of primer on a clean and compact support and the spreading of a double coat of single-component waterproofing mortar with an interposed fiberglass mesh. This type of intervention is ideal for small surfaces such as balconies, bathrooms, shower trays. In the presence of medium-sized surfaces, it is possible to carry out the waterproofing intervention with a two-component elastic cement system. On the surface to be waterproofed, clean and mechanically consistent, after the application of the primer, the cement mortar is also spread in this case in a double coat using a spatula, taking care to completely drown the reinforcement mesh.


  • Excellent adhesion characteristics
  • Resistance to chemical attacks
  • Ease of application

Operational Phases

  1. Substrate preparation
  2. Waterproofing
Fasi impermeabilizzazione superfici sistemi cementizi

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