Kimia S.p.A.

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Malte cementizie osmotiche e cementizie elastiche mono e bicomponenti della linea Betonfix, fondi tricomponenti epossicementizi della linea Kimitech e resine della linea Kimicover vengo impiegati tanto per impermeabilizzare strutture deputate al contenimento di liquidi che per evitare l'ingresso di acqua attraverso l'involucro edilizio (balconi, terrazzi, pareti controterra etc).


Kimitech TNT


Kimitech TNT is a non-woven continuous thread made of bicomponent filaments, heat-sealed with a core of PET and PP coating, characterized by a high chemical resistance in alkaline environments and by an excellent mechanical strength combined with a considerable ductility.



Betonfix 300


Betonfix 300 is an osmotic waterproofing cement-based mortar, to use even in thin layers, CE marked as protective coating according to the 1504-2, MC and IR intervention principles. It does not contain chlorides or aggressive agents which could cause corrosion. It is a perfect sealing agent for porous surfaces and cracks in the substrate.
Seal idoneously the porosities and crackings of the substrate. It is flexible to follow small deformations of the structure. It does not contain chlorides or other aggressive agents that can cause corrosion.




Aderflex KR


Aderflex KR is a grey or white powder adhesive for ceramic tiles, CE-marked for tile adhesives and is rated C2TE-S1 (improved cement-based tile adhesive with extended open time and null vertical sliding in compliance to the UNI EN 12004), the product contains no chlorides, ferrous particles or other materials which could be toxic for users or damage equipment it comes into contact with.




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