Betonfix RCA
Thixotropic, cement-based mortar with low modulus of elasticity for restoration and structural consolidations
Betonfix RCA is a thixotropic, hydraulic, ready-to-use mortar with compensated shrinkage and synthetic fibres, enriched with corrosion inhibitors. Betonfix RCA has high resistance to sulphates and guarantees strong adhesion to concrete, stone walls and terracotta. The product does not contain metal particles and is chloride-free.
Betonfix RCA is used for the restoration of deteriorated reinforced concrete structures such as pillars, beams, cornices, balcony mouldings, bridges, road and rail viaducts, canals, dams, tunnels. For structural and functional restoration of walls and stone or clay brick vaults
Betonfix RCA is CE marked according to the requirements of EN 1504-3 as a R3 mortar. Furthermore the product is in compliance with the EN 8147.
Carefully remove the deteriorated and brittle concrete using a hammer until the substrate is compact. The substrate must be perfectly clean, compact, free from dust, grease, paint. The "Pull off" concrete surface tensile strength must not be less than 1.5 MPa, as indicated by the quality control procedures of the substrate according to EN 1504-10. If the substrate has lower mechanical characteristics, please contact our Technical Dpt. Where steel reinforcements are exposed, remove any adjoining concrete with a needle gun, hydrosand the entire surface and protect the steel reinforcement bars with Betonfix KIMIFER applied by brush in double coat. Betonfix RCA is ready-to-use on the addition of potable water, according to the kind of application (with a trowel or spray). Wet the area to be treated until SSD conditions eliminating any exceeding water stagnation. Mixing must be carried out in a cement mixer or in the mixer of the spraying machine for at least 5 minutes until you get a proper plastic, homogeneous, lump-free mixture. A mortar mixer or a drill equipped with an agitator can be used, it depends on the quantity to be prepared. Mixing must take place at low speed to avoid entrapping air. Making sure to add 3/4 of the required water first, then pour the product and the remaining water continuously until you obtain the consistency required. Apply with a trowel or spray with suitable plastering machineries. It is advisable to perform a bush-hammer based treatment on the whole area in order to achieve the correct roughness, then place, if needed, a suitable electro-welded galvanized metal mesh to ensure a higher stability of the intervention, and apply the mortar in order to create a coverage of the steel reinforcement bars with at least 2 cm thickness. For thicknesses over 6 cm replace Betonfix RCA with Betonfix CR (pourable) using suitable formworks. In particular we suggest to use a plastering machine with the following characteristics: • Hose diameter: 30 mm • Hose length: 30 m • D7-pumps • All remaining characteristics corresponding to a plastering machine PFT G5.
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