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Rasanti cementizi autolivellanti

Betonfix RA

Cement mortar for self-levelling skim coating of internal screeds ranging from 1 to 10 mm. Fast drying

Betonfix RA is a self-levelling skim coating mortar that bond firmly to the substrate. It consists of special hydraulic binders that ensure its fast drying. Betonfix RA is very fluid, making it easy to use and once set, it is perfectly smooth and it has high resistance to compression or abrasion.


Betonfix RA is used to smooth concrete screeds before laying parquet, vinyl or textile flooring. Betonfix RA is a fast-drying product, therefore flooring is possible 24 hours after application. it must be used for horizontal skim coating with a thickness from 1 to 10 mm. For thicker layers (not more than 2 cm) add to the mortar approximately 30% of washed sand with granulometric curve from 1 to 3 mm.


The product is CE marked as cementious screed, class CT-C35-F7 in compliance with the EN 13813.


The substrate must be compact, free from detached parts, dust, grease, wax, old varnishes or any other substance which could affect the quality of the bond. Anhydrite substrates and superficially brittle supports can be treated with one or more coats of Kimicover FIX using a brush or a roller; in this case Betonfix RA must be applied on the still wet Kimicover FIX (wait 1-2 hours before laying). In case of cement-based substrate before applying Betonfix RA the supportis must have been cured for at least 28 days. Dust must be carefully removed with a vacuum hoover. The product is ready-to-use on the addition of potable water according to the quantity shown in the above table. Betonfix RA must be mixed using a low speed stirrer or a cement mixer, making sure not to let air in while mixing. Too much water will cause the components to separate and lose their mechanical resistance and abrasion. Mix the quantity needed to apply within 30 minutes at +20 °C, it is important not to remix the product when it has already started to set, it will lose all its chemical-physical properties. Dampen the cement-based substrates until SSD conditions (eliminating any exceeding water stagnation), pour the product on the floor and spread it with a smooth spreader or a doctor blade. Do not use Betonfix RA for external finishing coats or in contact with permanently damp screeds. To level ceramic tile or natural stone floors, mix Betonfix RA with Kimitech ELASTOFIX instead of water, finish and fix to the substrate with an average thickness of approximately 1.5 mm; wait for initial setting to take place (2-4 hours) and complete levelling with Betonfix RA mixed with water as normal.

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