Betonfix AL
Anti-shrinkage self-leveling mortar for fastening and precision anchoring
Betonfix AL is a ready-to-use, self-levelling, anti-shrinkage mortar with high mechanical resistance for both short and long curing. The product has excellent adhesion properties to the substrate, high resistance to sulphates and is free from chlorides and metal particles.
Betonfix AL for rigid assembly of prefabricated elements in reinforced concrete, for all types of anchoring, precision anchoring of machinery in general, for under-building, support for bridges, basements for structures in steel or machine tools.
Betonfix AL is CE marked as an anchoring of steel reinforcement according to EN 1504-6. It is CE marked as an R4 mortar in compliance with EN 1504-3 and it conforms to UNI 8147 standard.
Betonfix AL is ready-to-use on the addition of drinking water, in the quantity shown in the table. The substrate to be treated must be perfectly clean, free from grease, oil and separating agents in general; roughen the concrete surface with a bush-hammer. Soak the substrate eliminating any pools of water when casting. Mix it for about 5 minutes with a cement-mixer or, for small quantities, with a mechanical stirring device and an agitator. Always add 3/4 of the water required first, then pour the product and the remaining water continuously until you get the consistency required. Too much water will separate the components and affect its mechanical and chemical characteristics. Once you get a smooth and lumps free mixture, pour the mortar on one side to let air out from the opposite one. For large slabs use a slipping method by employing metal reinforcements, suspended pumps and funnels, making holes in the slab for the outlet of air. For layers more than 10 cm thick, mix Betonfix AL with approx. 30% of the washed inert siliceous material with minimum granulometry greater than 6 mm and maximum granulometry depending on design requirements.
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