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Impermeabilizzazione fontane serbatoi storici elementi pregio

Waterproofing of fountains, historic tanks and valuable elements

The solution indicated for the waterproofing of historic basins and fountains involves the use of a mortar capable of perfectly sealing porosity and cracks in the substrate, ensuring perfect conservation of the marble. For this type of work, our laboratories have developed and chromatically characterized different versions of the same product, carefully examined by restorers and the management of many illustrious restoration sites of monumental assets. The waterproofing of basins and fountains consists in the use, after preparing the substrate, of a fiberglass mesh saturated with mortar based on natural hydraulic lime, mixed with synthetic resin to improve its elasticity. Once hardened, a second coat of product is applied with a spatula.


  • Ease of application
  • Product that seals cracks in the substrate
  • Does not contain chlorides or other aggressive agents

Operational Phases

  1. Substrate preparation
  2. Waterproofing
Fasi impermeabilizzazione fontane serbatoi storici elementi pregio

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