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The ICE/Assorestauro Workshop: March 19-24, 2018

The ICE/Assorestauro International Workshop takes place from 19th to 24th March 2018. Kimia will show the works performed at the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua. See the details.

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Workshop ICE Assorestauro

The ICE / Assorestauro International Workshop: on Friday 23th March Kimia will show the works performed at the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua.

From 19th to 24th March 2018, in contemporary with the Ferrara Restoration Fair, it will take place the workshop: "The restoration of the historical buildings between technology and sustainability", organized by Assorestauro.

The workshop is funded by the Ministry of Economic Development through the ICE Agency (Italian Trade Agency). The event will be attended by a delegation of experts coming from different countries: Iran, Russia, Kosovo, Albania, Lebanon, Turkey, Bulgaria, Cuba and USA.

The professionals working in the restoration sector and coming from private and public sectors, will visit some important Italian building sites in order to deepen their knowledge on products, technologies and methods of intervention. The tour will be divided into several stages involving cities such as Milan, Venice, Piacenza, Mantua, Ferrara and Padua.

Kimia will propose a visit to the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, frescoed by Giotto between 1303 and 1305 and considered as one of the greatest masterpieces of Western art. At the Scrovegni Chapel the structural consolidation works carried out recently on the roof of the building will be illustrated with several application demonstrations.

Intervento di consolidamento strutturale della copertura della Cappella degli Scrovegni a Padova

In addition to site visits, the workshop allows the delegation to take part in conferences and technical meetings with the member companies of Assorestauro, within the Ferrara Restoration Fair.

The Quaderno Di Assorestauro (the Assorestauro copybook) of March 2018, available in English language here, was dedicated to the Workshop and to the construction sites. Tan Roushuang, a student of the School of Specialization in Architectural Heritage and Landscape at the Polytechnic of Milan, wrote about the intervention at the Scrovegni Chapel (page 50).