Technical training day in Zaragoza
After the summer break, technical training is moving on with many events in Spain, dedicated to professionals in the field of building restoration. The first stop is in Zaragoza with the seminar entitled "Restoration, renovation and reinforcement of masonry buildings". The event is scheduled for Thursday September 15, 2016, at the headquarters of the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos técnicos y Aparejadores. Here you are further info.

After the summer break, technical training is moving on with many events in Spain, dedicated to professionals in the field of building restoration. The first stop is in Zaragoza at the seminar entitled "Restoration, renovation and reinforcement of masonry buildings". The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, September 15, 2016, at the headquarters of the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos técnicos y Aparejadores, Coso Street, 98-100, second floor.
The seminar is organised in collaboration with Materiales El Arco S.L., official distributor of Kimia products in Aragon, Valencian Community, Murcia and Castile-La Mancha, and COAATZ (Colegio de Aparejadores y Arquitectos técnicos de Zaragoza). The speaker of the day Eng. Rene Machado, Head of Technical Engineering Department of Kimia España.
The program
06:00 PM - Introduction and launch of the technical training day.
The limes
- Definition and kinds
- Natural hydraulic lime NHL
- Laying and uses
- Colour range
Dehumidification systems
- Dehumidification process
- Diagnosis and intervention
- Into pratice
Structural reinforcement with composite materials
FRP - Fiber Reinforced Polymer
- Definition and parameters
- Law references
- Case history
- Laying
SRG/SRP - Steel Reinforced Grout/Polymer
- Definition and parameters
- Certified system
- Laying
FRG/FRCM - Fiber Reinforced Grout/Cementitious Matrix
- History
- Technical info and support
08:00 PM - Discussion about the exposed subjects and event closing.
Seminar is free. If you want to join us please send an email to Get further information: