Kimia S.p.A.

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Turkey, Cyprus and Israel: restoration fairs in April and May 2018

Istanbul landscape

Kimia will take part in several events in the restoration sector all over the world this month in Turkey, Cyprus and Israel. Programs and details


The restoration of the Rocca of Sant'Apollinare won the Italian "Sustainable Development Award 2016"

Restoration of the old horse stables of the Rocca of Sant'Apollinare

The restoration project, seismic retrofitting and energy efficiency upgrading of the former stables of the Benedictine Monastery in the province of Perugia, won the "Sustainable Development Award 2016" in the "Green Building" category. A prestigious award won for the restoration of the former stables by Kimia together with the University of Perugia and other Umbrian companies. 


Kimia in Barcelona at the "Rehabilita 2016"

REhabilita 2016 in Barcelona, October 8-9 2016

In October there will be plenty of events by Kimia. After the seminar in Zaragoza, led by our Ing. René Machado, from October 8 to 9 we will be in Barcelona as exhibitors at the exhibition "Fira de la Rehabilitació", part of the "REhabilita 2016". Discover how to find us.


Technical training day in Zaragoza

Technical training day in Zaragoza

After the summer break, technical training is moving on with many events in Spain, dedicated to professionals in the field of building restoration. The first stop is in Zaragoza with the seminar entitled "Restoration, renovation and reinforcement of masonry buildings". The event is scheduled for Thursday September 15, 2016, at the headquarters of the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos técnicos y Aparejadores. Here you are further info.


The architect who loves writing. Interview to Antonella Barbara Caldini

Connections: an interview to Architect Antonella Caldini

We are launching "Connections", a new section to talk about building and restoration industry by way of the interviews to its new main characters. The first one is with the architect Antonella Barbara Caldini from the Studio A.R.C. in Acqui Terme (Alessandria). Here you are the interview.


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